Ford Falcon BA BF Futura sedan, wagon & UTE 6cyl Make an OFFER — 5aud
Type: Sell  |  From: Bj  |  City: Perth  |  Posted: Feb 14, 2025 11:51 PM
rn0411804924 0892960225rnPLEASE READ THE ADD!!!!!!!!!! STUPID QUESTIONS THAT ARE ASKED VIA MSG WILL BE IGNORED!!!! ESPECIALLY SINCE MOST ARE ANSWERED HERE!!! LIKE HOW MUCH FOR DOOR! OH AND ALL CARS WERE WINTER WHITE LIKE IN THE PICS!!!!!rnrnALL PARTS ARE REMOVED FROM 3 VEHICLES!!!rnrnFord Falcon BA BF UTE,Wagon & Sedan, 6cyl (May Fit Other vehicles) Assorted Parts,ALL PARTS ARE OFF THE CARS All THE HARD WORK DONE!!!!rnrnrnFREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BARE SHELL WITH FRONT & REAR SCREEN & Rear vision Mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rnrnMake a reasonable offer, Hell make a stupid offer I might accept it. EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rnrnrnPassengers side ONLY tail light $25rnrnrnUte vinyl floor mat with insulation$10rnrnrnLPG air intake complete with filter $20rnrnrnSide skirts winter white perfect cond. $20 earnrnrnBA-BF-Territory-SX-SY-XR6-XR8-heater-box-HIM-module-SR-XT-GT-FPV-single-zone $80rnrnrnHvac system single zone & fan BA-BF-Territory-SX-SY-XR6-XR8--SR-XT-GT-FPV-single-zone $80rnrnrnInterior plastics from $1 Fill your boot for $10rnrnrnBA PCM (ECU) COMPUTER 6cyl MANUAL $150,rnrnrnBF PCM (ECU) COMPUTER 6cyl Auto $100,rnrnrnPair of electric side mirrors Black $150 or $80ea.rnrnrnPair of electric side mirrors Winter White $180 or $100ea.rnrnrnBFMK2 grill with chrome strip around lower edge $50rnrnrnWhiteline rear ute/wagon Sway Bar complete with mounting brackets & 9inch u bolts as extras! $200,rnrnrnBA/BF 6cyl Manual Pedal box complete with switchs $250,rnrnrnBA/BF(may fit others),6cyl Auto Pedal box complete with switchs & XR FPV Pedals $300,rnrnrnBA/BF x 2 (may fit others),6cyl Auto Pedal box complete with switchs $200,rnrnrn6cyl Manual 5spd ute driveshaft aluminium, with new uni joints one piece $300,rnrnrnPedders lowered 50mm springs Front # 2638 look great on car ask for pic's only removed for different look, $120 the pair.rnrnrnFront Bumper (BFmk1) excellent condition needs a bit of black paint washed off (went for a certain look) $50,rnrnrnTail shaft 2 peice with new centre Bearing, is out of car $260 (Have reciept for centre bearing being fitted for $250 grab a bargain)!rnrnrnMore parts have arrived Bought another car for transmission.rnrnrnEngine Petrol 6 cyl Barra,(removed from vehicle have video to hear) Very good cond hear running Under 180k's $350rnrnrn4 wheels & tyres 80% tread $200rnrnrnFuel pump & sender unit $50rnrnrnDiff (perferct cond) and cradle (removed from vehicle) ABS brakes,complete from disc & caliper to disc & caliper 3.23:1 ratio ,shocks & springs, hand brake handle & cable & Sway Bar n all! $600rnrnrnI MAY SEPERATE FRONT AND REAR K FRAMES (DEPENDS)rnrnrnCompltete Front K frame including lower radiator support panel (removed from vehicle) ABS Brakes, from disc & caliper to disc & caliper including shocks, springs,upper & lower control arms & power sterring rack & pinion & Sway Bar!!!! $600rnrnrnBrake booster & master cylinder $100rnrnrnFront seats $150prrnrnrnRear seat $80rnrnrnAll 4 doors with tinted windows $150 earnrnrnFront door trims $100/pair Both BA & BF (they're different) (only passengers BF Front)rnrnrnRear door trims suit wind up windows BF only $100/pairrnrnrnBoot lid with spoiler & heavy duty struts, $200rnrnrnGear select quadrant $20rnrnrnHeadlining / roof lining perfect with lights $50rnrnrnCentre console $50rnrnrnSteering column with key, steering wheel & both stalks, $340rnrnrnInstrument cluster $100rnrnrnFront Guards L/H Brand NEW in Box $115earnrnrnFront Guards L & R Second Hand in winter white $80earnrnrnICC $100rnrnrnConsole $50rnrnrnRear bumper mint Futura (BFm2) $190rnrnrnFactory scissor jack and handle $30rnrnrnSpare steel rim and good tyre $50ea (got several)rnrnrnABS brake distribution block $100rnrnrnwindscreen wiper motor $25rnrnrninterior plastics from $1, fill your boot $10rnrnrnFPV,Typhoon,BF BA MK1 MK2 Futura,GTP,GT,XR,Turbo,XR6,rn

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